Anna Swir (Świrszczyńska). Happy as a Dog’s Tail

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Happy as something unimportant

and free as a thing unimportant.

As something no one prizes

and which does not prize itself.

As something mocked by all

and which mocks at their mockery.

As laughter without serious reason.

As a yell able to outyell itself.

Happy as no matter what,

as any no matter what.


as a dog’s tail.


Myself and My Person


There are moments

when I feel more clearly than ever

that I am in the company

of my own person.

This comforts and reassures me,

this heartens me,

just as my tridimensional body

is heartened by my own authentic shadow.

There are moments

when I really feel more clearly than ever

that I am in the company

of my own person.

I stop

at a street corner to turn left

and I wonder what would happen

if my own person walked to the right.

Until now that has not happened

but it does not settle the question.


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