Three poems

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No poem titles are provided 

by Abai Kunanbayev

Save me—how can I preserve 
my heart from evil people— 
their wicked, snake-in-the-grass talk 
tears it into forty pieces. 

Those I loved are no longer. 
My friend has turned into my enemy— 
light darkens with evil. 
I cannot find support from anyone. 

Old age is breathing in my face. 
The time of hopes is past. 
Self-love comforts the fools, 
And ignoramuses pester me. 

Who mourns the filth of the earth 
will understand my worries, 
and will keep the soul pure, 
and the imperishable light will save it. 

Source: Qūnanbaev, A. (2005). Book of words. Semey: Abai International Club. 

Untitled Poem 
By Abai Kunanbayev

Look how he lies to you, he’s perfidious and cunning, 
ready for everything to save himself, restoring his soul. 
Friendship, enmity are all the same to him. 
Vanity of vanities alone troubles his shallow nature. 

He’s known heartache and surfeit and rapture, 
but he’s wrenched black jealousy from himself! 
Now honour and conscience serve his carnal delights. 
He lives in the present, not grieving in the least for the future. 

Nearest and dearest are now two-faced, 
enemies are stronger than friends, vengeance triumphs all around, 
treachery in deeds, perfidiousness in love… 
What times these are! How can we endure them? 

Although you’re of an age, you’re not mature yet: 
you enjoy playing pranks like a kid. 
The father scolds his son like a friend would, 
but is it fitting for the son to abuse the father! 

Source: Qūnanbaev, A. (2005). Book of words. Semey: Abai International Club. 

The Bird 
by Ardakh Nurgaz 

When I woke up, my wooden cradle was rocking 
Slowly, in the wind 

Sinking into the ringing of the bell at the bottom of my heart 
As a ghost of thousand years emerged 
I was following the candle in the hand of a night watchman 
When a sword-like swan 
Flew towards the abyss of the black skies 
At my ears, the wind was calling 
What was rushing towards me was the sound of a qin that had disappeared 
in the great desert 
The sad cries of camelets and the deep thoughts of a dry lake 

When I opened my eyes 
A bird came flying over 
Saying as it chirped: 
‘The walnut tree is your mother 
and your name is Kipchaks’ 

Qin is a musical instrument. 
Kipchaks are one of the ethnic races in Central Asia. Legend has it that they were born out of a tree. 

Source: ArdakhNurgaz 
Five Poems by Ардак НУРГАЗЫ in English, Chinese and Kazakh 

MYP – Grade 10 
Poetry Selections 
Table of Contents:

1. A Different History by Sujata Bhatt 
2. Alone by Philip Levine 
3. The Cockroach by Kevin Halligan 
4. The Woodspurge by Dante Gabriel Rossetti 
5. Neutral Tones by Thomas Hardy 
6. I love you first, but afterwards your love by Christina Rosetti 
7. Somewhere or other by Christina Rosetti 
8. City Planners by Margaret Atwood 
9. The Planners by Boey Kim Cheng 
10. Bird by ArdakhNurgaz 
11. I Found a 1950s “Answer and Color-in Book” by Jennifer Barber 
12. Inviting a friend to Supper by Ben Jonson 
13. Before you knocked by Sara Holbrook and Allan Wolf 
14. I Hope She Likes the Way I Wear My Tee by Allan Wolf 
15. You Think I Dressed Myself for Him Today? by Sara Holbrook 
16. Dulce et Decorum by Geraldine Robertson Glasgow 
17. Regime Change by Andrew Motion 
18. The Battle by Louis Simpson 
19. August 6, 1945 by Millen Brand 
20. The Sorrow of Sarajevo by Goran Simic (Translated by David Harsent) 
21. Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas 
22. I Do Not Love Thee by Caroline Norton 
23. Untitled by Stephen Crane 
24. Introduction to Poetry by Billy Collins 
25. It was a Dream by Lucille Clifton 
26. Even If You Weren’t My Father by Camillo Sbarbaro 
27. Acquainted with The Night by Robert Frost 
28. On Reading Poems to a Senior Class At South High byBy D. C. Berry 
29. Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden 
30. 1943 by Donald Hall 
31. Fear by Lawrance Raab 
32. Another Reason I don’t keep a Gun in the House by Billy Collins 
33. Facing Itby YusefKomunyakaa 
34. This is a Photograph of Me by Margaret Atwood 
35. If you Forget Me by Pablo Neruda 
36. The Commission by Roger McGough 
37. I Know Where Yesterday Has Gone by Cindy Booth 
38. Undeserved Sweetness by Ben Okri 
39. Borderless Africa by Susan NalugwaKiguli 
40. A Morning Dream by Li Ching Chao 
41. Untitled poem by Abai 
42. Thoughts in a Tranquil Night by Li Po 
43. Untitled poem by Abai 
44. Repetition by Phil Kay


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Tags: Three poems